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Babies thrive when given an opportunity to naturally learn through free exploration, free movement, and free thinking. 


Caregivers thrive when they focus on attuning to their child by creating simple environments and predictable rhythms. 


Observing children under these conditions can allow for intuitive development of the mind, body and spirit. Parents will feel confident in their ability to meet their child's needs and children will feel confident in taking healthy risks.


This approach supports families in discovering the harmony

that comes from establishing trust and joy,

in virtue of their loving relationship.

An EarLy Learning Philosophy


Through the teachings of Magda Gerber and Rudolf Steiner on educating the young child, It is believed that early learning is achieved through:


🌀Self initiated interactions with the environment and people


🌀Free movement and free thinking


🌀A natural unfolding of abilities, senses and spirit

🌀Exposure to practical life & natural processes


🌀Developing capacities for focus and concentration


🌀A nurturing, rhythmic daily experience 

🌀Awareness and care for oneself and others


🌀Establishing a healthy attachment to caregivers


🌀Simplicity and cooperation 

...and that surrounding ourselves with beauty and natural materials nourishes the soul. ✨

Upcoming Classes 

Fall 2023 :: Natural Play Baby & Toddler :: Orinda- Registration opens August 7th. 

November TBD :: Two Day Waldorf Doll Intensive :: Berkeley Rose Waldorf School- Stay tuned for details.

April 30th :: Seasonal Table Doll Workshop :: Wildcat Canyon Community School- FULL

February 12th :: Waldorf Baby Doll Workshop :: Wildcat Canyon Community School- FULL


"Having respect is allowing people to be what they are"~Magda Gerber

"What children get, they come to expect, and eventually need"~Magda Gerber

"Receive the children in reverence, educate them in love and send them forth in freedom " ~Rudolf Steiner

"Observe the children. 

Actively meditate. Follow your intuitions. Work so that all of your actions are worthy of imitation" ~Rudolf Steiner

©2023 by Child Light Natural Play and Craft Studio.

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